Credit cards are replacing paper money as people of the modern age are dealing in paperless transactions. Almost every financial organization, including banks, is providing customers with credit cards. To keep them unharmed and avoid losing them, credit card boxes are a perfect solution. These boxes prevent credit cards from scratches, damage to corners, and possible bends. Financial companies can use these incredible packages to make secure credit card deliveries to their clients. They can be used to preserve all kinds of business cards. They are made with rigid cardboard and are laminated with gloss and matte laminations that make them a secure solution. They are customizable and are available in a great range of designs and styles. Ones can get them customized according to their preferences. Furthermore, they are printable. To print them, high-quality inks and cutting-edge digital and offset printing technologies are used.
Bigger Discounts Offer for large orders | Bigger Discounts Offer for large orders Prices are negotiable based on your purchase volume and Fixated prices can be offered based on frequency of the order. |
Easy To order | Easy To order You can make your online order though our Live Chat Support on our website, direct call or e-mail our support team. |
eBilling Services | All customers are provided with E-statements of their purchase, for future order and their records. |
FREE 2d and 3d Rendering | Upon agreement of price quote, all clients are provided with 2d and 3d rendering of their own exact boxes for approval. |
Risk Free, Quality Assurance | We’ve State of the art production facility and all printed jobs are run through our strict quality assurance department, so there are no quality complaints. |
Printed Method | We use Off-set printing to achieve excellent printing results. However, Digital and screen printing is also available depending on box requirements. |
Dimensions | All Custom Sizes & Shapes |
Printing | CMYK, PMS, No Printing |
Paper Stock | 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock |
Quantities | 100 - 500,000 |
Coating | Gloss, Matte, Spot UV |
Default Process | Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation |
Options | Custom Window Cut Out, Gold/Silver Foiling, Embossing, Raised Ink, PVC Sheet. |
Proof | Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request) |
Turn Around Time | 4-6 Business Days , Rush |
Credit cards are replacing paper money as people of the modern age are dealing in paperless transactions. Almost every financial organization, including banks, is providing customers with credit cards. To keep them unharmed and avoid losing them, credit card boxes are a perfect solution. These boxes prevent credit cards from scratches, damage to corners, and possible bends. Financial companies can use these incredible packages to make secure credit card deliveries to their clients. They can be used to preserve all kinds of business cards. They are made with rigid cardboard and are laminated with gloss and matte laminations that make them a secure solution. They are customizable and are available in a great range of designs and styles. Ones can get them customized according to their preferences. Furthermore, they are printable. To print them, high-quality inks and cutting-edge digital and offset printing technologies are used.
Do you want to have exceptional designs and styles for credit card packaging boxes without compromising on the safety aspect? is a platform where you can get desired range of design, style, and shape choices for these boxes. We have the support of proficient designers and customization experts who enable us to provide you with freedom of choice. We provide our clients with the freedom of choice for opting for required designs and shapes for needed boxes. Our experts have modern tools and technologies and are familiar with evolving customer preferences regarding packaging products. This lets them come up with innovative packaging solutions following the requirements of clients. We also facilitate our clients in customizing their packaging boxes. We offer a wider range of options in this regard. Following your requirements, we add window cutouts, perforations, gloss and matte laminations, and a huge number of other customizations.
The aspect that makes a packaging solution engaging and self-speaking is its printing perfection. Accurate font styles, maximum detailing, and a righteous sequence of colours have a key role in this respect. To provide you with outstanding printing solutions for these boxes, we care for all these aspects. We have provided our printing experts with modern tools and technologies. We also keep them updated with emerging printing standards and changes taking place in the packaging and printing industry. We also allow our clients to choose printing techniques following the required volume of the ordered product and the nature of the manufacturing material. You can take from the following considering the suitability of your required solutions.
For credit card packaging boxes, we offer high-resolution graphics, embossed or debossed brand logos, and all branding features. We do so to help client financial institutions to spread brand awareness and attract more clients. Also, we provide luxurious texture finishes for these boxes that enhance their look and play a role in customer fascination.
We always care for the protection aspect of our packages and try to help clients in up keeping the originality of their products. In this respect, we incorporate our packaging boxes with maximum protective features. We add gloss and matte laminations that limit the packaged cards from moisture and wetness which are troubling factors. Our made packaging boxes always help the respective brand or business in the safe shipping of their products to end-users. In this respect, credit cards by financial organizations are no exemption. To make our boxes secure for shipping, we allow clients to choose the most fitting thickness grade of packaging materials. It means that our packaging products are excellent to keep the packaged items original and secure. And, by using our made solutions, you can maximize the endurance of your credit cards.
Along with caring for other aspects of your required packaging, we also care for high-quality materials for its manufacturing. To provide the best, we offer a range of manufacturing supplies for all our packaging products. From cardboard and bux board to printing inks and laminations, you can pick according to the needs of your products. We also offer multiple thickness grades for our material variety to warrant the maximum benefits for our valued clients. To assure the delivery of high-quality products like credit card packaging, we run recurring tests at different levels before dispatching. So, you can place an order for these boxes with full assurance about getting the best possible products in every aspect. always takes steps to offer clients very affordable and cheap rates for all packaging and printing products. We are aware of the affordability concerns of new companies and individuals. To cater to all, we keep our rates moderate. We advise our clients to go for bulkier quantities. The production of large quantities relatively lessens per unit cost which also helps us offer cut rates. Moreover, we have lots of discount offers and promotions on various cultural and spiritual events around the year. Mark the dates and hit us at the right time to get affordable yet excellent products to meet your needs.
Considering the importance of every minute of our clients, we always try to deliver their orders within the agreed time. In normal situations, we deliver orders to your doorsteps in just 10 to 12 working days. But this time is counted after the final approval of the press-ready design by your side. If you need these boxes instantly, you can ask for rush delivery services. Under rush delivery service, we deliver orders in 4 to 6 business with the very least additional charges.
We also offer free shipping though terms and conditions are applicable. You can avail of this facility on standard orders within the country. For those who are seeking rush delivery of their ordered packages, our shipping rates are very negligible. International clients can also get the lowest possible shipping rates with us.
GoCustomBoxes-UK is one of the key packaging and printing suppliers in the UK and is known for raised quality standards. We render customized to-need packaging and printing solutions and aim for 100% customer satisfaction. Our designed and printed credit card boxes are the finest example of our exceptionality in affording excellent solutions. We also offer premium services, including free design support, the lowest minimums, and 24/7 customer care. We do not ask our clients for die-cutting or plate-cutting equipment charges. All these things make us one of the preferred packaging and printing suppliers for hundreds of brands, retailers, and individuals.
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